Our Services

We integrate customer needs with 20 years in business experience and hight quality services.
Management & ICT Consulting at PLANET Turkey develops and provides expert solutions to private and public...
Aiming at a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, in a globalized economy based on competitiveness
Due to their direct relation to growth and employment, infrastructures exhibit dynamic trends and, therefore...
In PLANET Turkey we believe that the most valuable capital of each company in today’s rapidly...
Programme, Project & Contract Management (PPCM) is the cornerstone and integrator of our engineering...
Construction Management is meant as managing the complex process that formulates our built environment...
Preparatory stage of infrastructure projects is critical, mainly involving assessment of their potential...
Following completion of the preparatory stage, it is necessary to secure detailed design management and...
Planet Turkey offers a broad range of technical knowledge based trainings, indicatively...
SMEs in Turkey account for approximately 50% the total value added in the economy and nearly 75% of all jobs...
These services address the needs of private enterprises to plan their investment strategy and gain access to EU...
PLANET Turkey assists governments at central and regional level in economic and social policy development...
Further to infrastructure development services directly related to a project’s life cycle...
In the current highly competitive and dynamic business environment, Information and Communication Technologies...
Organizational efficiency is an essential element in all transformation and performance improvement...
Challenges faced by business enterprises and organizations require the formulation, evaluation and action...
Planet Turkey offers cutting-edge leadership development and capability building services...

Planet Turkey’s presence is directly related to the history of PLANET S.A., the largest member of Planet Group, a privately owned company having as shareholders its top management and the National Bank of Greece, and being a leading consulting firm in South Eastern Europa and Eastern Mediterranean since 1987.

Copyright 2021 by PLANET TURKEY. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2021 by PLANET TURKEY. All rights reserved.