Development Consulting

Aiming at smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth, in a globalized economy based on competitiveness, social cohesion, and sustainable development, the governmental, regional, and local authorities involved in policy formulation and in OPs planning and implementation are seeking specialized technical assistance in order to promptly, effectively and efficiently utilize the available funding according to the terms and conditions of international regulations.
Private enterprises, as potential beneficiaries of state aid initiatives, need fit for purpose consulting support services in order to prepare and implement viable projects eligible for funding from the OPs and at the same time corresponding to their actual needs and current market conditions.
PLANET Turkey is a key actor in the provision of Development Consulting Services, with strong experience in the implementation of important projects of the country, having developed specialized tools and methodologies, and possessing unique know-how and experienced staff and collaborators.
The scope of services we offer to public administrations (at national, regional, or/and local level) and private actors from various industries cover the whole span of the development process. From policy/ strategic planning and financing to monitoring, control, and evaluation, we focus on the unique operational capabilities that each entity needs to fulfill its mission and vision.
For each assignment, we provide a complete package of consulting services, to suit the needs of the respective client. Specifically, our Development Consulting Services are falling into one of the following categories:
For each assignment, PLANET Turkey provides a complete package of consulting services, to suit the needs of the respective client(s). Specifically, Development Consulting Services offered by PLANET Turkey are falling into one of the following categories:

  • Regional Strategy & Policy Development
  • Co-funded Private Investments Screening
  • SMEs Development Support

Planet Turkey’s presence is directly related to the history of PLANET S.A., the largest member of Planet Group, a privately owned company having as shareholders its top management and the National Bank of Greece, and being a leading consulting firm in South Eastern Europa and Eastern Mediterranean since 1987.

Copyright 2021 by PLANET TURKEY. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2021 by PLANET TURKEY. All rights reserved.