
Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
PLANET Turkey has already in place a modern...
Employment, Social Security & Health
Employment, Social Security & Health
Employment policies keep presenting formidable...
International Donors
International Donors
Development aid and expertise have assumed special significance for many countries worldwide vis-a-vis...
Ministries & Public Authorities
Ministries & Public Authorities
Ministries and Public Authorities have been undertaking reforms to become more transparent...
Transport & Civil Infrastructure
Transport & Civil Infrastructure
Due to their direct relation to development, as expressed through growth and employment rates, transport systems and civil...
Energy, Water & Environment
Energy, Water & Environment
Energy, water resource management, waste management, as well as environmental...
Financial Institutions
Financial Institutions
The Financial Institutions Sector has undergone rapid changes in recent years due to socio-economic...
Research & Innovation
Research & Innovation
Investments in Research and Innovation (R&I) are driving long-term growth, and it is widely accepted that countries that invest in R&I are recovering faster from the current economic crisis.
Telecoms, Information, Media & Electronics
Telecoms, Information, Media & Electronics
Technology is probably the most influential factor contributing on a global scale to the economic...

Planet Turkey’s presence is directly related to the history of PLANET S.A., the largest member of Planet Group, a privately owned company having as shareholders its top management and the National Bank of Greece, and being a leading consulting firm in South Eastern Europa and Eastern Mediterranean since 1987.

Copyright 2021 by PLANET TURKEY. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2021 by PLANET TURKEY. All rights reserved.