Technology is probably the most influential factor contributing on a global scale to the economic and social context of our present and future. As such, technology-driven sectors such as Telecoms, Information Technology, Media and Electronics are at the forefront of importance facing at the same time very significant challenges.
The migration from the physical to the digital world has affected major disruption across a large number of economic and social activities and has fostered the emergence of new business models and markets, using as the main lever the capabilities provided by electronic devices, telecommunication networks, and the internet.
This continuous and broad change is also affecting the players within the sectors of telecoms, information, media and electronics. Organizations have to be swift in order to adapt and survive amidst the changing market needs and competitive pressures in relation to challenges that include:
- The decline of traditional revenue streams (e.g. voice calls, packaged software, printed or publicly broadcasted content)
- New customer needs (e.g. data-driven communications, cloud computing, internet of things, social media, personalized information, and entertainment)
- Capital expenditure and Operating Expenses efficiencies (e.g. network sharing, downsizing, cost-cutting)
- Regulatory compliance (e.g. fair competition, data protection, transparency)
Services that support sector actors to address such challenges include primarily:
- Corporate strategy and business planning
- Integrated Restructuring
- Operations improvement & performance management
- Organizational restructuring & transformation
- Human capital management
- Corporate finance