A special event was organized to fight climate crisis, desertification and drought, within the scope of “Technical Assistance and Supervision for Yuksekova Wastewater Treatment Plant Project”


“Technical Assistance and Supervision for Yuksekova Wastewater Treatment Plant Project” under IPA II period, co-financed by Republic of Türkiye and the European Union and implemented by a consortium led by Planet SA and of which Yüksekova Municipality is the end recipient, a special event was organized to combat climate crisis, desertification and drought. The event was held in Yüksekova on June 19th with many valuable participants. The event was also covered in the local press:

“At the meeting, which was held with a wide participation, Ertuğrul Gül, Environmental Engineer and Dr. Faculty Member, made a presentation to the participants on how the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project will contribute to the region, the environment and all ecological life and how it will prevent desertification and climate crisis.” (for more news: Yüksekova Halkın Sesi Gazetesi).

To access the interview for the event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j18z7up-yes

“Yüksekova Wastewater Treatment Plant” will reduce pollution in wastewater in the region, improve the water quality of the stream passing through the center and contribute to the improvement of public health.” (for more news: Yüksekova Haber)


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